My name is Mimi Suhartanto and I am so glad to have you visit my website.  I am grateful and excited to be able to share with you stories, wisdom, knowledge, and experiences God has allowed me to have on this journey called life!  Allow me to share a bit about myself.  I am a wife, a mom, a disciplemaker.  But most importantly, I am a child of God.  God rescued me from sin and death when I was in my mid-teen years.  He sent me a classmate who shared a gospel tract with me.  At that time, my life was quite uncertain.  My mom and dad had split up, and I left my mom and the home where I grew up to join my dad and his family: my step mom and my half siblings.

Putting my life in Jesus’ hands has given me hope to live and strength to draw upon.  I journeyed through the rest of my teen years living with my step family before moving to Seattle, Washington, to start university.  I took on Philosophy as my major for undergraduate study.  I met my future husband, Hendra Suhartanto, a few months before I graduated. I moved back to Indonesia in 1995 shortly after graduating from Seattle University.  Hendra and I dated for a year before we got married in August 1996. We had our daughter, Gabrielle, a few days after our first wedding anniversary. 

The initial years of my marriage were not easy.  The difficulties were compounded by carrying out my new role as parent with almost no support community.  During these years, God used the circumstances of daily life to process me – to sanctify me.  God used my husband  both as my companion to depend on  and as iron to sharpen me.

Fast forward … at the age of forty-three, God led me to get my Master of Arts in Christian Education from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. A few months after I finished, He opened another door for me to pursue a Doctor of Education in Ministry from Dallas Theological Seminary.

Looking back, I can see God’s hand faithfully leading me throughout my life.  I feel I have been wonderfully blessed.  It is my hope that I can share my life story with others.  I want to devote the rest of my earthly life for His Kingdom work – making disciples that are making other disciples. 

Through the years, God has given me the opportunity to write books, develop Bible study materials, and record my teachings.  I want to bless others by giving out my work free of charge.  God has allowed my husband and me to work with our own hands to provide for our family through various means, including through Hendra’s technology consulting business. I am committing my past and also future work to be made available through this website. It is my hope and prayer that all the content on this website will be beneficial in helping believers love our triune God wholeheartedly and obey the Great Commission, to make disciples of all nations. All glory to His Name alone!